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"Prior to taking the VP handgun familiarization course the extent of my training had been at a range working on accuracy. This course opened my eyes to so many aspects of owning and using a handgun I was overlooking or not aware of. A true treasure trove of information that you don't even need to go to the range to practice and implement. You can save a ridiculous amount on ammo while becoming much more proficient and responsible with your equipment by practicing these techniques safely at home. There are gems throughout that will increase your knowledge, technical ability, and mindset, and if you are new to it they will help you narrow down the best equipment that will work for you which alone is worth the price of admission. The instructors are top notch and create a safe, welcoming environment for all levels. I highly recommend this seminar to everyone whether you have been a gun owner for years or are just considering becoming one!" 


I really believe Doug is the perfect self defense teacher. He is willing to think outside the box to incorporate one's needs as I have special circumstances.  He is extremely knowledgeable due to his background of being a Marine, Security Specialist, and Bail Enforcement Agent. Doug even covers how to spot different behaviors in people who may be carrying a gun. I have observed some of these behaviors when out and about. These classes make you more confident that you could fight off an adversary.

- Marianne


I had my LTC and a revolver for some time before I trained with Douglas. . As much as I wanted to, I was intimidated by the whole idea of handling and carrying a gun. I had never handled a gun before and knew I needed step out of my my comfort zone  and do some training.  Before my lesson I was told what I would need to bring for ear protection and ammo.. We spent a beautiful afternoon at the range, he  taught me range safety  gun safety, reloading skills, and target practice. We discussed different carry options , which can be tricky for a small female.  He is a great instructor, highly skilled but always aware  that I was not. At the end of the day I felt confidant handling my gun. I am no longer intimidated by it. I plan to continue training to increase my skills. I recommend Douglas for anyone who needs the most basic training to the highly skilled. He has a wealth of knowledge to offer.

- Holly


Classes with Violent Paradigms are an incredible learning opportunity. Doug is a natural tactician with a lifetime of training and real world experience. His classes combine a deep knowledge of weapons and self defense with his talent as a storyteller. He takes you through the legal ramifications and realities of carrying a weapon and strips away many illusions regarding how a violent encounter can play out. His advice is practical and straightforward, leaving no room for false confidence or bravado. I came away from my first class with a new appreciation for how important the right training is.  There is no one I would rather learn from.

- Justin 


I attended a firearms introductory course with Douglas White and had a fantastic time! Before we even got to live firing, we had plenty of instruction on safety and were drilled on techniques such as drawing, holstering, situational awareness, and pistol grip. The firing range was sensational and humbling. While no Annie Oakley, I will  nevertheless be back and improve my accuracy!

- Ian


My experience with Violent Paradigms so far has been great. I attended EDC Knife Module 1 and came away with a greater understanding of knives, knife use, and self-defense. Many good points were made concerning laws and legal issues surrounding knife carry and use in a self-defense situation. It also blew holes in many things people think they know to be truths because of what they’ve seen in movies and on TV. Doug and the other instructors are very good at what they do, regularly updating their own skills so they can be as prepared as possible, for themselves and for the purpose of teaching others. I would recommend the EDC Knife Module to anyone who has never held a knife to someone who has trained extensively with them, as there is always something new to learn, and you will definitely learn it with Violent Paradigms. Doug also has many real life experiences which he is able to incorporate as stories which can help portray the reality of certain situations you could very well find yourself in one day. I am looking forward to further studies with Violent Paradigms.

- Nick 


The class I attended was the Everyday Carry Knife Module  #1. Doug was extremely knowledgeable and informative on all aspects of knives and weapons of all sorts, but most importantly the safety and laws pertaining to such weapons. I am forever grateful to have had taken that class and will continue my studies with Doug to further my education. What he and his team at Violent Paradigms are bringing to the people is raw straight to the point information to help anyone in a number of situations have options. Do yourself a favor,  take a class and see first hand on how to utilize proper training on real world situations from a top notch trainer with real knowledge.

- William 


I took the Comprehensive EDC Knife Module 1 course with Douglas White in Hartford Connecticut. The course was very well run, came with a knife and was within my budget. I would highly recommend the course to anyone interested and I look forward to more training with Douglas moving forward.

- Jason 


This was an excellent class, Mr. White and associates are very very good at self-defense instruction, I have learned a lot over the years from Mr. White and look forward to learning much more. Being a senior citizen I feel more comfortable and confident from the training Mr. White provides me in a world that has definitely become more dangerous.

- Les 


Violent paradigms has great courses with instructors with a great wealth of knowledge. I attended the first class and even with the know how I have from years of martial arts and a military background I came away from this course with more than what I started with. Thanks to doug and the rest of his guys.  So if you’re a beginner or a veteran sign up for a course you’ll have fun and learn something that you didn’t know.

- Shawn


I took the first course with my step son and we both thought the class was amazing!!! Great instructor, Mr White was very knowledgeable and had some very interesting stories. The demonstrations were mind opening. Can't wait for the next class. 

- Alex 


EDC Knife Module 1 review


I will start by saying that this is an incredibly comprehensive seminar, and the information discussed in it could save your life. This is why, in my opinion, anyone who is even thinking about carrying a knife should take this class. This seminar covers everything from the legal implications of deploying a knife for self-defense to how to select the appropriate knife (and believe me, this is not as easy as one may think).  Of all the material covered, I found the “myth busting” section the most interesting. In this section we discussed the difference between the popular culture portrayal of knives (as in movies and television) versus real life. It was incredibly helpful to hear it from someone like Doug White, who is an experienced martial artist with years of experience handling weapons. Doug’s experience allows him to explain the difference between fact and fiction real life with real scenarios, statistical facts and the right amount of humor to keep his students engaged throughout the whole class. 



Another incredibly helpful section was the hands-on exercises of the seminar. Not only were we able to manipulate different kinds of trainers during the day, but we also had the chance to practice deploying trainer knives (both folders and fixed blades) in ideal conditions (aka, sitting comfortably at our tables) and later under pressure (as a volunteer ran towards you with an already deployed trainer knife, ready to attack). This was, perhaps, the best explanation I ever received about the importance of dexterity, training, the dangers of over-confidence, and choosing your weapon wisely. It is also a sobering experience to realize how much environmental factors, like stress and fear, can influence your ability to defend yourself. Which brings me to one of the most important parts of the seminar: when and how to deploy a knife? This discussion was not only educational in terms of legal and medical implications, but also the psychology of knife fighting, the unforeseen consequences of deploying a knife, the psychology of the attacker, and all the implications that must be weighed in when choosing to deploy a weapon. I was very impressed by the responsible, informative and entertaining way this discussion was lead. Doug’s emphasis on “safety first” and responsible weapon handling makes this seminar vital for anyone interested in edged weapons. All in all, I highly recommend it.


- Marilyn